Franklin Planner Software Ascend 97 User Guide For Windows 95카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 6. 10:22
Mail 26: January 25 - 31, 1999This week:Next weekFrontPage Image Map ComponentCHAOS MANOR MAIL A SELECTIONJanuary 25 - 31, 1999CLICK ON THE BLIMP TO SEND MAIL TO MEGo to PREVIOUS MAIL WEEKS:.Fair warning: some of those previous weeks can take a minute plus to download.After Mail 10, though, they're tamed down a bit.IF YOU SEND MAIL it may be published; if you want it private SAY SO AT THE TOP of themail. I try to respect confidences, but there is only me, and this is Chaos Manor.PLEASE DO NOT USE DEEP INDENTATION INCLUDING LAYERS OF BLOCK QUOTES IN MAIL.TABSin mail will also do deepindentations. Use with care or not at all.I try to answer mail, but mostly I can't get to all of it. I read it all, although notalways the instant it comes in. I do have books to write too. I am reminded of H.P.
Lovecraft who slowly starved to death while answering fan mail.If you want to send mail that will be published, you don't have to use the formattinginstructions you will find when you but it willmake my life simpler, and your chances of being published better.This week:-HIGHLIGHTS:I am going to say this one more time.Please do NOT put tabs and block indents so that your message says:Regards,Someone who won't readwith that closing tabbed or indented out to the right hand side of the page. If you do,and I don't catch it, then this page gets far too wide for most viewers, a lot of peopleare made to do needless work, eventually someone catches it and I have to fix it, takinganother several minutes I do not have. PLEASE CHECK YOUR MAIL FORMAT. I get a lot of mail,but if I am doing formatting I can't do commentaries. PLEASE. Nonsense onstilts. and I think thelast, on having to buy Windows when you buy a cheap computer.: BEOS, Apple, and you.: Linux, games and family installation.
Wonderful stuff you learnon slashdot. t: continuaton of.MondayFrontPage Image Map ComponentMonday, January 25,1999To begin, there was a lot of mail posted Sunday night in Mail 25; if you have not seenit,Subject: InstallShieldWhat is it? Where did I get it? Im having problems with it. (It says there is anerror.
Did it come with W95? I did not put it in.How many more apps are like this?Love your web page as is. Keep on dancing. Ill try to keep up.Michael Dugan mikeric@sowega.netInstallShield comes with almost anything you are trying to install now; it's a thirdparty software item that most companies incorporate as the installation manager for theirsoftware. Where you got it is likely to be with whatever you are having problemsinstalling.I'm answering this here in part to use it an example: this is the kind of mail I can nolonger answer, because there's no one to do that. If it's an interesting generic question,or interesting and I don't know, or interesting and I know something but not enough, I amlikely to put it up here and let the readers inform everyone including me; but I won'teven be able to do that with more than maybe 10% of this kind of mail.
In theearly days I could sort of function as an alternative tech support system, and sometimes Igot some of my best column ideas that way; but in those days I also had the excellent BYTEstaff as backup, and I was being paid enough including my phone bills and a good bit of mytime that I could do more of it. Alas, them days is gone.In Lucifer's Hammer, you had one ofyour characters carefully wrapping and burying books in anticipation of needing them laterto rebuild civilization. In The Mote in God's Eye, you and Niven had the Motiesusing their museums/libraries/armories as a repository from which each successive Cycle ofMoties could gain technology after a collapse, once they'd reached a certain level ofastronomical knowledge on their own.Our situation may not be quite so dire at the moment, but we're doing our best (or worst,depending upon how one looks at things) to make it so. I will tell you that, given thecurrent state of the educational system, the libraries may well be the only places one cango to obtain any sort of useful education.
Franklin Planner Software Ascend 97 User Guide For Windows 95 2
The library educated me, and I've done alright.The atmosphere is different than in a book store; even in a Borders or a Barnes &;Noble, one can't really just slouch on a chair and read all day without buying something,because the book store is in business to sell books. If you're trying to get an education,you can't just go buying everything in sight, you need to be able to browse and thenbrowse some more.
And of course there are those who can't afford to buy lots of books, sothe library is doubly important for them. I don't mind paying reasonable taxes in order toprovide this service.And the Web is no subtitute for a good library, and won't be for quite some time.
ProjectGutenberg notwithstanding, there is simply too much garbage on the Web, too little usefulcontent, and a plethora of copyright and billing-model issues to be worked out before itwill even begin to approach the sheer utility of even a modestly-sized library. The Web isprimarily targeted towards extreme individualization, whereas the library is by naturedesigned to offer the broadest possible scope of content.So, yes, the library is cheap, compared to the benefits. As for libertarians arguing thatlibraries are no longer necessary, they'd probably be just happy arguing that oxygen is nolonger necessary, either.